Author: Daniele Fioretti

Family Pictures shared by Joe Geraci

It is with great pleasure that we publish some family pictures shared by Joe Geraci. The first picture was shot in 1908 for the baptism of Joe’s great-uncle, Frank Sansone. Fabiano Sansone (Joe’s maternal grandfather) is holding the baby, and Carl Sansone (the second Joe’s maternal grandfather) is at the right of Fabiano. Guiseppe Geraci…
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Cleveland Italian Film Festival 2021

We are happy to announce that the 2021 Cleveland Italian Festival will take place on August 26, September 2, and September 9, 2021, featuring 3 award winning films from Italy with English subtitles. The screenings will take place at 7:30 pm. All tickets are sold in advance at Thursday, August 26 at 7:30 pm,…
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Mary Kovach Joins the Limelight Network with Her Show: “Rockstar Manager”

Great news! Our friend and contributor Dr. Mary Kovach has joined the Limelight network with her show: “Rockstar Manager”! We are very proud and happy to share the news published on Congratulations, Dr. K! link:

Cleveland Challenge Bocce Tournament, August 27-29, 2021

It is great to see in-person activities happening again! You do not want to miss the Cleveland Challenge Bocce Tournament, which will take place in Wickliffe, OH, at Wickliffe Italian-American Club, 29717 Euclid Ave, Wickliffe OH, 96 teams will compete for more than $20,000 in prize money. Source:

A New Italian American Podcast

We are pleased to announce the creation of a new podcast on Italian American culture, the “Ben V. Marconi Lodge: Order of Sons and Daughters of Italy in America”, available on Google Podcasts. We spoke with the creator of the podcast, Emma K. Coleman, and this is what she said to us. Enjoy! Emma, thank…
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Letters from the Past

It is my pleasure to include in this project some letters exchanged in the 1950s-1960s between members of the family of Annie and Susan Settevendemie. Part of the family was in Ohio, part was in Abruzzo, Italy (Pratola Peligna), but they maintained a strong and affectionate connection over the years. We make these letters available…
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Emma Coleman’s pictures

Emma Coleman’s great grandparents (“Bisnonni”) Camillo DiSerio and Camella Amicone with their first and second sons Giovanni and Antonio. This is the first professional photo that they took in America. A picture of the DiSerio Family in Roswell. Camillo DiSerio and Camella Amicone had 12 children but only 9 appear in the picture, because two…
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Suzanne Perazzo’s pictures

From left to right: Carmella Maria Caterina Rolandelli (Suzanne Perazzo’s grandmother) with her sisters Margherita Rolandelli, and Maria Rolandelli. On the left, Suzanne’s great grandmother Perazzo. Form Left to right: Stefano Perazzo (Suzanne’s grandfather), Marcella (Suzanne’s aunt Jean), and Maria Caterina Rolandelli Perazzo (Suzanne’s grandmother).

Steve Milano’s Pictures

Family picture (Easter 1903) The Talerico Family (ca. 1918) Antonio Milano (ca. 1918) Milano kids (ca. 1918) Mary Talerico and John Siriani wedding picture (February 18th, 1922) Nicotera wedding (New York City, 1934) Phil Siriani (1939-1940) Christmas 1940 World War II engagement Bronx grave

Italian websites review “Don’t Cut the Basil”

We are happy to share the news: the cookbook “Don’t Cut The Basil” has been reviewed by several Italian websites (mostly in Sicily) as a book that promotes Sicilian cuisine un the U.S. Many congratulations to Mary, Angela and Corrina! Three Sicilian Cousins, tre cugine siculo-americane dell’Ohio promuovono la cucina siciliana negli USA Il…
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