
“You’re Nobody ‘Till Somebody Sculpts You!” (from

We are very happy to welcome our new collaborator, Madeline Northup! Madeline wrote this interesting piece about Dean Martin published on the Italian American Podcast, episode 246. The link to the episode is at the bottom, and you can also subscribe to the podcast. Enjoy! Madeline Northup No Italian American household is complete without the…
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Cleveland Italian Film Festival

AUGUST 25 – SEPT 1 – SEPT 8, 2022 Cedar Lee Theater & Atlas Cinemas EastgateAward winning films from Italy with English subtitlesThe Cleveland Italian Film FestivalSponsored byItalian Tours & Travel by DianaCustomized tours to Italy, France, Ireland& other European destinations440.895.0011All Films Thursdays at 7:30 pm – $12.00All Tickets Sold in AdvanceEach year tickets sell out early.Many of…
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Cleveland Italian Film Festival – August 25 – September 1, 2022

If you are in Cleveland this summer, you do not want to miss the Cleveland Italian Film Festival. Start planning in advance and reserve your tickets! CLEVELAND ITALIAN FILM FESTIVAL 2022 AUGUST 25 – SEPT 1 – SEPT 8, 2022Cedar Lee Theater & Atlas Cinemas EastgateAward winning films from Italy with English subtitlesThe Cleveland Italian Film…
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Cincinnati’s She-Wolf Stolen from Cincinnati’s Park

We are very sorry to hear that the statue of the She-Wolf, symbol of Rome, has been stolen from Eden Park in Cincinnati. This is a link to an article that reports the news.

“Glow On” by Sante Matteo

Dear all, we are very happy to share with you this beautiful poem written by our friend and collaborator Sante Matteo, “Glow On”. We hope you will enjoy it.

Link to Sante Matteo’s Commentary “Escape from Paradise”

You may remember Sante Matteo’s article “Escape from Paradise”, in which he imagines Beatrice (the woman loved by Dante) writing a letter to Laura ((loved by Petrarch). We want to share a link to another article that Matteo published on, in which he adds a commentary to the previous story. Enjoy, and thanks to…
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NOIAW Scholarships for Italian American Women

The National Organization fo Italian American Women (NOIAW) is accepting applications for scholarships for Italian American women both at undergraduate and graduate level. The deadline for the application is April 4, 2022. Please check the link or the attached poster./  

Celebrating Mother Cabrini’s Jubilee

It is a great pleasure to share with all of you a link to an article written by our friend and collaborator Mary Kovach on the celebration of Mother Cabrini’s 75 years of Sainthood, which happened in November 2021; we are a little late, but the last few months have been very busy and we…
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The Journey Home in Baseball: The Bible and The Divine Comedy

Do you like baseball? Did you know that baseball could be “biblical”? Starting from an essay written by a Yale literary scholar, A. Bartlett Giamatti, our friend and collaborator Sante Matteo wrote an interesting and humorous article on baseball and Dante’s “Divine Comedy” Enjoy! 

Escape from Paradise! Beatrice Writes to Laura

Dear friends, you are now accustomed to the many talents of Sante Matteo; he is not only an excellent scholar, but also a great writer of fiction and non-fiction. We are happy to share a link to a humorous piece of writing he posted on the journal “Twelve Winters”, in which Sante imagines that Beatrice…
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