
Italian Borderlands Conference

We are very happy to share with you the video of a panel of the virtual conference “Italian Borderlands. Restrictions, Breaches, Encounters” conference, organized last year by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute. This panel discussed the last book published by Professor Emeritus Sante Matteo, “Il secondo occhio di Ulisse”. link: Italian Borderlands Conference…
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Interview to Mary Kovach

It is with great pleasure that we want to share this article from Thrive Global where our friend and contributor Mary Kovach is recognized as an author who is making an important social impact. Congratulations, Mary!

Russo Brothers Italian American Film Grant

Are you Italian Americans? Are you interested in telling an Italian American story? Please follow this link to know more about the Russo Brothers Italian American Film Grant:

The 30-Year Journey that Uncovered My Italian Family Roots, by Richard Leto

It is with great pleasure that we share on our website an article written by Richard Leto about his 30-year long journey to uncover his Italian family roots. Many thanks to Richard for allowing us to share the link to this very interesting article.

Pictures from Gloria Talarico and Emma Coleman

We are very happy to post on this website some pictures shared by Gloria Talarico. Please check her interview, available on the main page of our website. Many thanks, Gloria for sharing the pictures, and many thanks to Emma Coleman who interviewed her. This is Gloria’s high school senior picture. This is the engagement picture…
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“Don’t Cut the Basil”: Interviews with the authors

A few months ago our friend and collaborator Mary Kovach published, together with her cousins Corrina and Angela Siciliano the cook book “Don’t Cut the Basil” full of great Italian recipes. The book had an amazing success, and here are the links to some interviews with the three “cugine in cucina”. Enjoy! [pp.20-21]…
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Cleveland Italian Film Festival 2021: Final Event

The last movie in the 2021 edition of the Cleveland Italian Film Festival will be screened on Thursday, September 9th at 7:30 pm at the Atlas Cinemas Eastgate. The title is “Lontano lontano” (Citizens of the World, 2019) directed by Gianni Di Gregorio, a delightful comedy interpreted by Di Gregorio, Ennio Fantastichini, and Giorgio Colangeli.…
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Mary Kovach interviews the author Lisa Scottoline

It is our pleasure to share the link of an interview that our collaborator Mary Kovach had with the renowned Italian American author Lisa Scottoline. Thank you Mary for sharing the link!

Mary Kovach interviews Robert Ferrito, National President of the OSDIA Commission for Social Justice

We are happy to share the link to the interview that Mary Kovach had with Robert Ferrito, National President of the Order of Sons and Daughters of Italy in America regarding the controversy on Cristoforo Colombo

“Vincere” by Marco Bellocchio

This is a reminder that the next movie for the Cleveland Italian Film Festival, “Vincere” by Marco Bellocchio, will screen on Thursday September 2 at Atlas Cinemas Eastgate. “Vincere”, directed by Bellocchio in 2009, is based on the true story of Ida Dalser, the wife of Benito Mussolini.