Category: Events

Interview with Lidia Bastianich

We are happy to share an interview that Mary Kovach had with Lidia Bastianich! Thanks to Mary for the permission to share the link:

Ferrari and Jewelry in Cincinnati

Please look at the article published on the newsletter “We The Italians” regarding the Ferrari Cruise-in VI that will take place in Cincinnati on September 12, 2020. Ferrari and Jewelry in Cincinnati

Robert Rosa


Examining Christopher Columbus: Truths and Myths

For those who are interested in knowing more about Christopher Columbus, the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) hosts a virtual event on Wednesday, August 12 at 6:30 pm Eastern Time. Registration is free. You can find the link at:

NIAF Honors Dr. Anthony Fauci with the 2020 Leonardo Da Vinci Award

NIAF (National Italian American Foundation) announced that they will honor Dr. Anthony Fauci with the 2020 Leonardo da Vinci Award for Leadership in Health and Science. Dr. Fauci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a member of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force. The award will be presented…
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Cleveland: The Feast of the Assumption has been cancelled due to COVID-19

This is a link to an article on “La Gazzetta Italiana” about the cancellation of the 2020 Feast of the Assumption in Cleveland. Very sad.

Mary Kovach Interviews Aaron Caruso

Please check this link to read the interview by Dr. Mary Kovach to the Italian American singer Aaron Caruso for the ItalyUSA Magazine:

Screening of a Documentary on Cristoforo Colombo (Christopher Columbus)

We all know that in the last few years there have been protests about Cristoforo Colombo: statues of him have been destroyed, and there is a proposal of renaming Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples Day. The time is right to re-examine history through a documentary and a fiction film entitled “Columbus on Trial”. The film…
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Celebrating Federico Fellini Centennial with an Online Conversation

Federico Fellini (born in 2020) changed the world of cinema forever, and with his movie “La dolce vita” reshaped the image of Italy all over the world. We are happy to share a link to an online conversation moderated by Alessandro Ago, Director of Programming and Special Projects, USC School of Cinematic Arts. The participants…
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An interview with Angela Turchi, Università di Macerata, Italy

We are happy to introduce Angela Turchi, who is a student at the Università di Macerata in Italy. She is working on a research on the interest on the Italian language in the United States. She also prepared a brief survey, and we encourage everyone who studies Italian to participate. The link to the survey…
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